🛎 [TBB #44] How to invest in self promotion

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The lowest hanging fruit

Despite her general lack of accomplishments, Queen Marie de Médici understood the power of self-promotion very well.

In the 1620s she commissioned Peter Paul Reubens to create 21 paintings depicting her daily life. She wanted to build up her social reputation and authority after returning to Paris from her exile.

Today, Marie de Médici would have done well as an Instagram influencer.

But this type of self-promotion is what makes therapists cringe at the idea of using social media for marketing.

And the truth is, it's not even necessary for promoting your services.

What I always recommend to my clients instead, is to go after the "lowest hanging fruit" when it comes to marketing. You can do that by simply listing your private practice in various online directories. Here's a non-exhaustive list of online directories for therapists.

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More than 4 hours a day

​Recent data shows that 38% of Gen. Z'ers spend more than 4 hours a day on social media.

A large number of educators who have been approached by teens about their mental health, claim that the use of social media negatively impact youth's mental health alongside with bullying and family stressors.

Mental healthcare barriers for Asian Americans

​FAUNA is a non-profit organization that's advocating for culturally sensitive mental health resources for the Asian and BIPOC community.

Founded by Adora Du, FAUNA is a response to the reality in which Asian Americans are least likely to receive mental health treatment. Among the main barriers, Du notes the often clashing views on mental health of East Asian and American Cultures:

"There's a lot of core ideas in therapy and the mental health field that clash directly with what we typically learn as values as Asians," says Du. "For example, you may be told that others shouldn't be overly reliant on you, but in Chinese culture you are expected to take care of those around you. That is part of who you are and what society values."

The first tele-therapy union

Resilience Lab, a NY Mental Health startup is about to become the first tele-health company to unionize.

Following the layoff of a dozen providers past November, the employees filed a petition with the National Labor Relations Board to vote on joining DC 37.

Since its founding, employees have criticized the company for hiring executives with non healthcare backgrounds and making decisions that are not in the clients' best interests.

Mental Health is a fitness trend

Men's Health published a list of health and fitness trends for 2023. Number 2 on the list is stress reduction, specifically, targeting "mental ills" with wearable devices.

The new wearable gadget Apollo Neuro is designed to improve resilience to stress by delivering gentle vibration waves based on breathing patterns, which disrupt the nervous system.

The Takeaway

Today's issue was dedicated to the investment in self-promotion.

I started this email by showing that the common beliefs about self-promotion are not necessary for promoting your therapy services.

In fact, if you take the time and think about where you could have most impact in terms of attracting clients and growing your business, you will probably discover that some conventional strategies (like networking and PR) work better for you practice.

You may grow faster if you invest your time and money in these "low hanging fruit" than trying a new high tech tool.

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Whenever you're ready, here's how I can help you:

1. Work with me 1:1 to grow your therapy business.

2. Promote yourself to my subscribers by sponsoring this newsletter

3. The Marketing Foundation Mastery Session: 50-minute video workshop for beginners that gives an overview of marketing principles, basic marketing strategy, and essential tools to start promoting your private practice.

Keep growing,


Therapy Business Brief

Hi, I'm Avivit Fisher, the creator of Therapy Business Brief.I've been helping therapists fill their private pay caseloads since 2017. Every week, I link mental health industry updates, marketing, and private practice strategies, so you can uncover the opportunities for growing your practice.

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